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These are 5 Common Yet Bizarre Customs You will Find in Indonesia

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2021 - 00:23
These are 5 Common Yet Bizarre Customs You will Find in Indonesia The scooter. (Photo: Qudwah Handayani via

TIMES BONTANG, JAKARTA – As a multicultural country, Indonesia has lots of unique customs yet bizarre done by the local community. But those peculiar customs were commonly found in every corner of the country. So, what are those? Let's check them out.

1. Using bare hand while eating
Using bare hand while eating is a common thing to do by Indonesian. They love to do it while sitting on the floor. Some will lift up their plate with another hand and some will just let the plate lay on the floor.

Little did you know, it's not as easy as it looks. You need to work hard to practice with your hand to get the right way to eat with bare hand. But, some will just do it like a pro. But once you accustomed with this, you will find that it's the best way to enjoy the local delicacy.

2. Pajamas for all occasion
It might be funny to imagine certain people wearing pajamas all time wherever they go. But this happens.  The Indonesian community will wear their pajamas to certain public areas such as mall, grocery store, the zoo, or on the park. Well, there is nothing wrong with it. It's definitely comfy, decent and good enough for summer or rainy season like what the country has.

3. Traditional toilet
The traditional toilet will look like a hole in the ground with a tread showing where your feet should be. Sometimes it covered with fancy porcelain or just an ordinary hole covered with corrugated iron shack.
You just need some kind of squat pose, and make sure your feet are wide apart to make sure you don't wee on your own feet. Going forward, you will find this position helps better to empty your bowel.

4. Jet water or the bum gun
It's not a common thing you could find anywhere in Europe or America. But, the jet water does help a lot to clean your bum after doing your business. Some foreign people will adopt this thing and bring it o their country.

5. Five people on board on a motorcycle
Well, this will be a common thing you will find in a country side. They will likely to take 4 or 5 of their mate to ride together on a motorcycle. What worse is they do it without safety kit like helmet for instance.

Where most foreigners will have some issue in riding motorcycle, they will pass you by with super unlimited speed that will make your jaw drop. The rider will even have time to wave his hand and greet you as it's part of Indonesian hospitality. So, do you have more bizarre customs than this?

Pewarta :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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